Trametes versicolor
Trametes is a genus that is found in almost everyone's wooded neighborhood and is a powerful decomposer of stumps and logs. It can also tolerate bright light and open forest conditions while fruiting; a big difference compared to most other members of the tree fowl community where mushrooms are made in the shade, like Hen and Chicken of the Woods. Besides the ability of Turkey Tail to disassemble inoculated woody structures quickly, it is also appreciated as a medicinal fungus and is a popular ingredient in teas and tinctures as it is too leathery and tasteless as a jerky.
Inoculate hardwood logs and stumps (give conifers a try too) as you would other genera such as Shiitake and leave it to its work. Another less appreciated aspect of growing this fungus is the sheer beauty of the thin and multi-colored layers of fruits. Only in America is this fungus named after the looks of a Turkey Tail; in Japan it is known as Kawaratake or Roof Tile fungus, resembling the gorgeous layered tile roofs on traditional buildings. Turkey Tail could make a fine perennial addition to any decorative garden using logs or a stump. This strain is aggressive and promises to colonize quickly.
Volume discount pricing applies to large (1,000 ct.) bags only:
1 - 6 bags: $46.00 ea.
7 - 10 bags: $40.00 ea.
11 - 19 bags: $34.00 ea.
20 - 99 bags: $31.00 ea.
100+ bags: $26.00 ea.