Thimble spawn has been discontinued indefinitely due to supply chain issues involving the forms. We are pursuing alternatives, but until we find a reliable source, thimble spawn will remain unavailable.
Snow Cap™ produces beautiful, uniform, thick fleshed caps tufted with white lacy ornamentation. A long natural outdoor season makes it a favorite for those who like to visit their logs regularly. Heaviest fruiting occurs early spring and late fall. Possibly the best winter strain in the South. Thimble spawn is available September to June, and is made-to-order and ready to ship in 4-6 weeks.
Volume discount pricing for thimble spawn (1 sheet = 600 thimbles):
1 sheet: $40.00 ea.
2 - 10 sheets: $35.00 ea.
11 - 20 sheets: $3000 ea.
21 - 50 sheets: $28.00 ea.
51+ sheets: $24.00 ea.
NOTE: If you have purchased thimble spawn from us in the past, please note that the recommended bit size has changed for thimble spawn from 13.5mm to 12.5mm due to a change in the new supplier's tray size.