Sterilized Substrates

Mycelium carriers, commonly known as "sterilized substrates," are simply particles of prepared substrate, usually grain or sawdust, that are meant to safely hold mycelium for expansion into another substrate. Oftentimes cultivators do not have the equipment or time to produce the carrier but wish to expand a special culture into the prepared substrate in their own lab. These sterile, clean carriers are ready to inoculate with the fungus of your choice.
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  • Sterilized Grain Substrate

    Sterilized Grain Substrate

    Ready-to-use, pre-hydrated, sterilized rye grain substrate. Ideal for expanding cultures and making grain masters.
  • Sterilized Grain Substrate with Injection Port

    Sterilized Grain Substrate with Injection Port

    Ready-to-use, pre-hydrated, sterilized rye grain substrate with injection port. Ideal for expanding cultures and...
  • CVG+ Substrate

    CVG+ Substrate

    CVG+ Substrate is our specially formulated sterilized mushroom substrate for the compost-thriving and dung-loving...